Theater History

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Classical Theater

The origins of theater in ancient Rome and Greece set the precedent for theater all over the world. The theater in ancient Greek culture began around 550 and 220 BC in the city of Athens. Originally used to celebrate the festival of Dionysus, it was expanded and was exported to colonies around Athens to promote cultural identity in Greece. The first Greek tragedy was attributed to Thespis, the winner of the first theatrical contest in Greece. To this day, theater-performers are referred to as “thespians.” Other playwrights at the time were Choerilus, Pratinas, and Phrynichus . All tragedies were individual, unique pieces specifically written to honor Dionysus until the Hellenistic period when plays began to be repeated in performances. While the Greeks preferred their tragedies and religious ceremonies in their drama, Romans preferred comedies and pure entertainment. That being said, much Roman drama was derived from Greek drama and was rewritten for the Roman stage. There is very little “Roman” drama represented today that was not Greek in origin. Romans did introduce new aspects into their plays such as different costumes to represent different characters, such as a purple robe to represent a young man and a yellow robe to represent a woman. As in Greek drama, all actors in Roman plays were also men, even women characters. Gladiators would fight lions. Actions such as these led the Christians to rebel against “theater” as a whole.

Medieval & Renaissance Theater

Medieval theater is that which was between the fall of the Roman Empire and the beginning of the Renaissance period. Due to the excesses of the Roman theatrical experiences, the Roman Catholic Church banned all theater around the time of the Middle Ages. Much of the theater that did exist took place in inn yards or in traveling wagons or on wagon stages taken from town to town. Mimes, minstrels, storytellers, jugglers, and the like traveled to find their audiences and to find financial sustainability. The period that followed Medieval times is known as Renaissance. It was born from several medieval traditions, one being the mystery plays, or retelling of legends based on Biblical themes. With the Renaissance period, also, came the theatres. Actors were members of companies attached to noble households that performed in various locations. The first of the Renaissance permanent theaters was “The Theater,” built by James Burbage, but quickly theaters were built to accommodate the companies. Theater was still looked down upon by most authorities, and by many others as well. However, Queen Elizabeth I had a fondness of theater, and the companies performed many “rehearsals” for the public for financial gain to practice for the performances for the Queen. The end of the English Renaissance Theater began with the rising of the Puritan movement and their hostility toward the theater. They believed that theater promoted immortality, and they complained of the practice of men dressing as females. On September 2, 1642, the Puritan faction, then in control of London, ordered the close of all London theaters. They would remain closed for eighteen years, finally reopening after the Restoration.

Elizabethan Theater

The time of Elizabethan Theater represents the beginning of the English Renaissance period. As noted previously, Queen Elizabeth I had a great fondness of art and drama, and she enjoyed the theater immensely. This allowed the theaters to gain notoriety again and build with permanence. Notable playwrights of the Elizabethan time were William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, and Ben Jonson. Elizabethan Theater was for the masses as well as for the royalty. For a penny one could enter the theater and enjoy the pre-show singing and dancing. For another penny he could stay and watch the show.

Modern Theater

It was from those humble beginnings that we get the modern theater of today. The theaters of today are grandiose and expensive. Themes of plays are as varied as books that are published. Actors are paid often more than politicians, and writers can make a living to be envied. Thespians are no longer the lower class of citizens, and costumes are as magnificent and costly as the stages and scenery that go into theater productions.

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